TUKE: Beyond the Final Dimension
English | Co-Produced, Co-Written, Co-Directed, Co-Edited, Co-Marketed, Co-Distributed by Micah Faulkner & Daniel Head
Science Fiction Comedy
"We're not going beyond time and space. We're going BEYOND, beyond time and space!"
Bowling Frog & Dumpster Fire Films have melded brains to exalt the science fiction/fantasy masterpieces of our childhoods: Krull, The Beastmaster, Solarbabies, Yor: The Hunter from the Future, Ice Pirates, Conan the Barbarian…
TUKE has a destiny, ordained by prophecy, to save all dimensions from a coming holocaust—but the Tolalitroid KNOWS the prophecy, and messed all that fate up!
Will TUKE and his friends save existence itself from absolute destruction?
Ignore everything you know about cosmological metaphysics and theories of parallel universes.
We certainly are.